Health Certificate Preparation Form

Save time during your next appointment! Complete your required health certificate preparation form online from any device before your visit.

Health Certificate Preparation Form

Please fill out this form as completely and accurately as possible so we can get to know you and your pet(s) before your visit.

This form may be used to issue both domestic AND international health certificates. In order to properly prepare your pet’s health certificate, we request the following information at least 72 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Expedited requests, for any reason, may warrant an additional fee. Please note that additional information will be gathered at the time of the appointment, depending on individual travel needs and regulations

IF YOU ARE TRAVELING INTERNATIONALLY, International Health Certificates require significant time and documentation. Travel to some countries may require up to 6 months of preparation. After your pet’s examination, one of our USDA accredited veterinarians will upload or send the health certificate documentation to the USDA APHIS office for verification and approval. This may take up to 7 to 10 business days, so please keep that in mind when scheduling your appointment. Please bring a credit card with you on the day of your appointment since we may need to provide it to the USDA.

Individual country regulations:

If you plan on returning with your dog to the United States, please note that the CDC has new requirements that go into effect as of August 1, 2024. You will need an official USDA Certificate of Rabies Vaccination issued by a USDA accredited veterinarian or other documentation. Please see the complete guidelines here.

Basic Information

Travel Information

Medical Information

Please email or fax (508-872-4263) your pet’s complete vaccination history.

All Animals MUST have a current signed rabies vaccination certificate prior to travel. If not performed at Slade Veterinary Hospital, please provide the following information along with documentation.

Rabies vaccinations not administered at Slade Veterinary Hospital or prior to microchip implantation cannot be used for the USDA Certificate of Rabies Vaccination for re-entry into the United States.